From Fort Collins:
This morning, The Heene family of Fort Collins was on the Today Show. Last night, Larry King. And the father seems to be getting more pissed off. I could tell because he said something like 'I'm getting pretty pissed off being asked if this was a hoax over and over...!'. While yesterday's stuntwork was pretty awesome, the writing fell way short. Local news reports that the Heene's have been fielding requests for interviews all over the world. And the cost? However much it costs to buy and stitch a bunch of 'It's a Girl' balloons together inside-out.
SO funny, the guy's all: 'after it rose to twenty feet, the electronics were supposed to kick in...'. ???? 'I was so afraid that the high-powered batteries in that compartment would electrocute my son!' Really. And the UN allowed this facility to operate unabated? None of us are safe.
Falcon, who had us all praying yesterday, was climbing all over cars, ladders, and whatnot for the cameras. VERY pleased with himself and remarkably fearless only minutes after allegedly hiding in the attic for FIVE FULL HOURS yesterday (which was a totally gorgeous day) because he was afraid his dad would yell at him. I can't believe that kid would sit silently for any amount of time, for any reason. But, originally, the story was that his dad DID yell at him, which caused him to go hide. I can just picture his dad now, yelling at him to 'KEEP THE STORY STRAIGHT!'
This morning, he puked on his dad (sadly, off camera) during his Today Show interview, drew gasps and guffaws from his siblings and cameramen. Do you think that maybe he's sick because his dad is making him lie all over the world? This guy WITHOUT QUESTION force-fed ME a bunch of crap for breakfast, and I feel a little sick too. They are shipping their kids all over the country, keeping them up all hours. They have already showed us that the integrity of their family comes second to the spotlight, and it seems they'll ride the wave of their recent stardom as far as possible, puking kids notwithstanding.
It's really quite smart. Papa Heene understands how to manipulate the minds of people. Hijacking the entire media was a good start, but he had all our hearts gushing for his kid. I do think he'll be the coolest kid at school though, when he gets home from Ellen and Bonnie Hunt. Go on and search Heene. Overnight, they have become the buzziest buzz family ever. That is no accident.
And I'm writing about this because I think 9news' website's 4 million hits might have a few readers to spare. So, if this story pays me, am I a huge douchebag? I say no. There are better stories all day long in Fort Collins, but nothing that'll make you pull over and pray. But at least those stories are true.